Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 7:30:00 PM

(: <3
today turn out to be an anti-boring day! (: yupps.so i had cca from 1 to 4.
okay.so it was like pretty boring.until darl sms me again.then i could reply.so i had company until 4! (: while i was teaching jia li her chords.yupps.so it was over soon.and then i was kinda hungry and darl went to school to bring me food.STUPID ME! made him go all the way to school from bedok int and then im going back there! argh!!! not my fault! you know im slow.(: and there i went.missed 3 buses! lol.oh wells.finally.met, and went to bedok int.THANKS FOR THE PRESENT! <3<3<3. yupps..and the sad part is, i dinn manage to get him to use the opposite machine to zap his card! haha!oh man..lol ((:.so we went to aljunid together where i needed to stop.and darl's smart! drop at a place where he didnt know how to go home.but all's well. so we took the same bus.and then i drop off soon. THANKS SO MUCH FOR TODAY! i had a great time.that 45 minutes. `lessthanthree.(:
cant wait for tomorrow!!! ((: -oh please, dont miss your lesson alrights? (: we'll meet later.at 3? or whatever time we may meet.im REALLY fine with it. 2 and half hrs. i'll help you pull thru it.that is if you can sms.but i rather you concentrate alrights. (:
look at how desperate anne is to get me to watch "she's the man" with her and THEM.lol
reasons for me to go:
1. because i'm your goody friend, anne
2. because it would be interesting to see * wear her clothes
3. because it would be EVEN MORE interesting to see what * and * might happen to do in the cinema!(:
4. because you get a ticket for half price
5. because you get ice-cream
6. because you'll finally get to see *
7. because you get to see us do stupid things
8. because you will finally understand what i mean by how they act towards each other
9. because it'd be too evil of you to leave me alone with a "couple"
10. because i'm desperate
11. and because i think you're the only person bold enough to go out with *
12. because * might reveal some funny and stupid secrets
Monday, May 29, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 8:30:00 AM

let's see.i have hell no idea what happened last night.but before that,shall blog about ytd.
the whole day was like raining! crap.im starting to hate the rain.it has been sunshine from morning to 11am and aft that it will rain for the whole day EVERY SUN! if you have noticed.damnit.oh wells.i shall wait for that day when it change! so i stayed at home and did homework! haha.sadly, my attention spent sucks. so the WHOLE afternoon, i did one compre.AND one summary.hahah.that's good.but at the rate im going, darl i need you to do my hw for me alr.haha.but like that, i wont learn.how? come on, try scolding me.it'll work.at night, went out for dinner to replace wed's dinner.ate at secrets garden.bill was WOOT.haha.my bro took a peep at it and that was how i knew it.lol. darl had to have dinner at 10?! so ask him to eat something first.and then he bought a sandwich.and ask if i would eat it cold or hot.LOL! wad the...as expected, cold sandwich it was.haiz..you ah!aft that, i went hm.damn bored. so just watched some tv.got my bday present from bro and sis and mavis.omg.it was like WOOT!! ((: love it.thanks guys!(:
last night couldnt sleep.actually it's little.woke up 3 freaking times.for no reason.but at least i manage to fall back asleep? yupps.and funny thing, clare also couldnt sleep.but hers was for a reason.freaky reason.she keeps hearing the chair dragging on the floor above hers.like also someone playing marbles.except, it's nobody.her whole block hears it.chair dragging and everything.i guess some stuff you shouldnt try finding out.lol. (: -hoping i could do some decent work today.and wishing sec4s all the best for their chi today!!!!!! it's scary how it's so fast some of us have even yet to catch it.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 2:49:00 PM

im starting to see the difference.im starting to see the difference in us.but im not gonna believe it.cos i just dont.i think.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 10:15:00 PM

woah.it still hasnt struck me that the june hols HAS BEGAN! cos it just doesnt feel like it.
ROUTE 187 is back in the building! finally, like what seems like ages!! so after school, we watched shar play netball first.aft that it rained so the match stopped and it was like 3 plus alr.so we decided to go tm to eat.and we ate sakae sushi which really got us a lil off.actually, very.anne "snatched" the inside seat with me.but the thing was i never even actually wanted that seat.haha.and then, we found out why! so she could take her food easily.and i mean.omg.you would not want to see how greedy she can get! i mean like food comes in the way, she just kept on taking and taking and taking.and one out of the many, each of us took one, while she filled the whole table with the plates she took! like omg!!! super A LOT! until we finally convinced her the table was full and that she should start eating first before she starts to stack up the plates of food.haha.and deen still realised as anne was eating her food, she was STILL STARRING AT THE FOOD GOING BY! haha.man, she's eating like she hasnt ate for a month. (: and then we a lot of jokes.a lil TOO OFF. hahaha.oh wells.in the end, we ate 34 plates? and other side orders. when we stack up all the plates it's more than 17 inches tall.people were practically starring like as though they thought we dinn noe.until it started to get embarrassing. had to rush back for sac idol.we were like 15 minutes late.fashionably late i guess. (: haha.glenda couldnt get seats for us but in the end, shar and me still managed to get thru to them.omg.SAC IDOLS ROCKS MY SOCKS OUT! haha.it's like really cool.but the live bands were really deafening.i thought i was getting deaf aft awhile..haha.and really, SARAH IS HOT!!!!!!! omg.she is DAMN HOT! in the end terri won.which was quite a disappointment.why does she want to win so many idols anw? jeshh. sarah or nicolette should really have won instead!!!! they are really good!oh wells.and d2 won.omg.THEY ARE HOT STUFF TOO! tough competition but great show! thurs was just WOOT.and it still hasnt struck me it's the last day of school.
thinking today is like kinda relaxing cos it's only 3 hrs of duty, hell no! we were WRONG.alrights.clare and me met at bedok mrt.and then we went to tm for lunch.walked ard first and then we ate at jack's place.damn quiet and trust me.the people there were looking at us like as though they think we would end up washing dishes at the back of the kitchen cause we karnt pay up.yupps.we ate A LOT.and so the bill was like woah.lucky can still pay and then we left.reached school late.halfway decided to just take a taxi.haha.and then the work came.we had to run up and down levels aft levels just to get 2 mobile fans on each level and we ran until i was sweating like rain.when we were done, finishing up everything like tapping wires to the ground and everything, i couldnt care less.i just sat on the floor in the middle of no where and gave myself a break.haha.bimbo clare wanted to go toilet so we did and spend some great amt of time there.tying our hair and everything.haha.we found our self a relaxing job.regristration at 3rd level.omg.that was like worst.we had to see the faces of VERY IMPATIENT PARENTS! like really impatient and unreasonable.i mean.picture this. a parent had his appointment at 5.20pm.at the last minute he couldnt come at that time so he came at like what? 3.30pm? and he's living in self denial that we could magically put him first on the list.but we had to go in the order of the appointments.and he was super unreasonable.came up to us and ask when it was his turn.i told him VERY NICELY.that we had to follow the order as it was and that he had to wait.if no one is before him then he could take that appointment.but NO! he just wanted it his fucking way. so aft that he was insisting he want it then and NOW.and i was like " im sorry.but we have to follow the order" and he even threatened to meet the principal.omg.i almost said " okay.be my guest" while clare was like swearing away.and then couldnt help it la.just slot him into one of the appointments and let some understanding parent wait another 20 minutes! jesh.and he was like smiling when he came out?! god.and there were MANY of this type of people we had to "entertain". they really like threatening us by saying " if we dont get in by ** , i'll go.cos i got another appointment to go to" i guess they dinn expect us to say " okay, take a seat" haha! man, shift was tiring!
you: cheer up cos i really need you to alrights? it's gonna be fine.trust yourself.give yourself some decent faith.if i can, i dont see why you cant. (: you've tried your best, i dont want you go worrying about what's alr done. please,it'll be fine.i promise.
caroline's worst nightmare: (to-do-list)
1)history SEQ qns
2) 2 biology structured qns
-any topic from fys
4)amaths MYE corrections
5)ss redo SEQ essay (both) -bonus marks,must do!!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 6:05:00 PM

you: heyy.sorry was feeling kinda down ytd.but its really not your fault! pls pls dont put the blame on yourself alrights. i'll promise to try never to look towards that side or falls in that mood again.i promise you. (:
tomorrow's last day of school! WOOT! cant wait.and good thing is that my mum wont get to see lopez! hha.cos she cant make it.so would be gettin my report book on another day i guess.so can wait for that day.oh.and i just realised my calculator went missing when i saw my cover in 3/8's classrm.and some cheep-po person go steal my calculator and left the cover on the cher's table.wtf.the other 3 calculators i got RAN OUT OF BATTS.oh gosh.and nick went telling me she lost her pencil case.UNTIL she saw it next to audrey's table.so blur-block! ((: GY was like boring.and the school once again " forgot to pay the electricity bills" cos the whole row of classroom lights and fans black out.yupps.so it was getting hot and boring.i decided to play the guitar bt typical me, forgot where i put all the songs we wrote.haha! OH wells.that caught us occupied for awhile.it's so ironic when you see the prefects start forming the gambling den in 3/7.haha.then came BIO!see that SIM PHECK CHOO i immediately feel tired alr.and i dinn get ANYTHING into my head.like seirously.nothing.during that 3 periods.nic and i were like dying from BOREDOM.im not exaggerating this.HELL NO. all i rmb was " im going to ignore all those who STILL refuse to pay attention. im not going to care.cos if this is what you choose to do then it's the grade you choose also.so you all must bare the responsibilities of your own actions" and the next thing " okay.those who are not paying attention or sleeping.one more time, i would want you out of my class" JESSH. so much for "im ignoring..." eh.
ANNE.cheer up and relax.you look totally stressed out alrights.it's after the exams.give yourself a decent break girl. (:
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 8:33:00 PM

i realised,communication with you kids for parents is really an art. which clearly, my parents have YET to achieve! God, SPARE ME THE AGONY ONCE AGAIN! alrights.so there i was sitting in the car, looking out.and then my dad tried to get a convo going.
dad: i heard you got tuition tomorrow?
me: ya.
dad: just now your grandma ask you and you just say ah
me: ya! ah what.means yes?
dad: where you go tuition?
me: here! where we stay?
dad: here as in?
me: serangoon?!
dad: then who fetches you there and back?
me: san yi ( my aunt) la!
i know.i seem like an arrogance bitch to my dad.but when you know why im like finding it weird.i used to think that way.until i gave up.I HAVE BEEN GOING TO THIS TUITION SINCE I WAS PRIMARY 5! yes.every single time my aunt will fetch me there and back since she lives near us which is near the tuition place.YES.that's why! and my mum? i'll see her tomorrow.sure.
i agree with anne.ROUTE 187 is drifting until we dont seem to care anymore.eating lunch at swensens seemed just ytd.but yet, it's been almost half a year since we last actually sat together.the four of us. i have never seen a clique this distorted. this is proving to me something which i really dont wish to believe in.so please, can we do something about it. one walks out of our life until we pulled her back.and the other just seems GONE.i haven seen you in school for about let's say a week.A WEEK. doesnt all this mean anything to you guys? if it doesnt, i dont want to waste my effort trying to get the puzzle right but no one seems to care.
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 5:06:00 PM

who i am hates who ive been!fcuk you Caroline! what made you this way? damnit. i hate it when i look towards this side.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 9:01:00 PM

oh man oh man.emaths! alrights i know i should really NOT be complaining.so sue me! just disappointed? yeah. let's see..i still have yet to get this SUPER thick chi book from cher cos it's like we're tested on it.omg.have u seen how THICK it was?!?! like, it'll take me ages to read finish.everyday read 10 pages also can die already and i wont finish in time AND that is like T-H-I-C-K.freaking school!! nothing but all their junk and nonsense! shessh..oh wells.im just going to do what i can.cannot finish then sorry la.alrights.then was amaths.and FINALLY! i actually knew what cher was talking about! like finally.well, it's also finally i decided to pay due attention.haha.then MT was like really stupid.chel and my "journey" to the mpr rm super hilarious.a lil OFF la.so cannot blog.haha! and also finally, cher decided to give us a break and do sth we like for ONCE.man, everything is like finally.haa.so we watched this movie which kept us really wanting to continue but had to go for ss?? so there we went.ss was okay la.did corrections.no mood to do alr.you should see my corrections handwritting.all bo chap one. (darl: now you know where i got my genes from eh! lol ) yeah.then had assembly.SUPPOSE to clean classrm but turn out, we just chat.and pls.what do you want me to clean with? we got one rag.until i suggest using our classrm curtains.we got curtainS! haha.too bad, cannot use la.so did nothing. CCA was alrights i guess.but really sian..
heyy! sorry.been delaying all this while and have yet to give you answers for EVERYTHING.haha.just rmbed.lol. im trying not to pang seh you alr.sorry.you know my parents.fed up with them alr.sorry yeah. anyway, it's 9 days to THAT day.that you have looking forward to? haha.
lessthanthree. (:
Friday, May 19, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 10:41:00 PM

Are we all hollow people?
Are we all emotions beings?
Are we all mere robots?
Or perhaps puppets on astring
Too numb for words
Too empty for thoughts
Too vacant for emotions
A void façade
Fumbling in the darkness
No light at the end of the tunnel
Stumbling around this life
Nothing worth living for
Lumbering around in this meaningless date
The days blend easily into one
It stretches on
A worthless drama
Too numb for words
Too empty for thoughts
Too vacant for emotions
A void façade
Open my eyes
See the sunrise
In awe of his majesty
Of the Father’s love for me
Yet I live my life in darkness
Wracked by sin and guilt
Conformed to the ways of the world
Blind to his guiding light
Why this lack of faith?
Why all this mistrust?
Why this reluctance?
Or perhaps sheer ignorance
Yet no matter where I go
No matter how I try to hide
I cant flee His presence
He’s always there for me
Close my eyes and the end of the day
Breathe in the sunset’s last golden ray
Even as darkness sets in
Next to me, He’s standing.
Why this lack of faith?
Why all this mistrust?
Why this reluctance?
Or perhaps sheer ignorance.
nick's copyrighted songs.haha.mine was the one i blogged before this..yes! we were THAT bored and trying relle bad to pass our time away.so songs were what we created.and i have still yet to get the right guitar tabs for them. shucks.
today was alrights i guess.sorry had to reply your smses until so late.really sorry to have made you worry so so so much. =( i really owe you one. thanks you so much! lessthanthree (:
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 10:06:00 PM

what's left-
A friend to turn to
Seems too hard to catch
A friend standing in the distance
Seemed to move away
A person i used to be
Unrecognised in the mirror
Her reflection
Somewhat familiar yet distant
When everything finally starts to fit in
It just slips and falls apart
When everything's torn
Doesnt matter how hard you try
It doesnt matter
'cos in the end,
It doesnt even matter
The world's a big stage
She's drifting from reality
She cant find her place
Cant seem to hear that lil voice
That lil voice inside her heard
Where did i go right
How i did i get you
It doesnt matter
'cos in the end
It doesnt even matter
Dinn want to need you
Dinn want you need you so bad
Dinn want to wake up
Knowing i'll slip right down
Im not that strong
When everything finally starts to fit in
It just slips and falls apart
When everything's torn
Doesnt matter how hard i try
It just doesnt mean a thing to you
Cos in the end, it doesnt even matter.
nic, i want your own song too so i can find the correct guitar chords to go with it.and i'll teach you. wont make it that difficult. (:
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 4:55:00 PM

today, i had it rough.got PE.then a maths.got back my paper.super disappointed la.but i planned to just shut up since people like NIC is so happy with what? B4? or B3.yupps.and i did.just managed to scrap an A1.JUST.stupid me can.everywhere careless mistake.BIG LETTER C ON MY FOREHEAD!!! alrights.then was recess.and dont worry, i ate! well, since im eating lunch at home although it would be 3 plus by then but either that or im not eating.so yeah.dont worry alrights! ((((: after that had emaths.masura's class.fuck la.did hw wrongly..and i rub the whole thing and just copied it from van.ha.it's so obvious i copied.i swear!!! miracle if she doesnt find out la.and i need that miracle.after that had ss.WHOA.passed sia. 19/30.super happy.part A lucked out man.15/18 which was same as hist.then part 2, flunk like shit. 4/12 haha! but oh wells, STILL PASS.combined humanities sure pass liao.yayness!=] after that lopez dinn come.and we had hw.but i dinn get it.and we played cards.nick, van,linette and me.then came mrs boo with chem papers.wa lao.f**king saddening the paper.there is sth wrong with me and mcqs.i swear.i seem to ALWAYS FAIL IT!except bio.but it's like from qn 10-15 ALL WRONG.wtf la! super miserable.ah wells.then came this little fight.and our PAMPERED PRINCESS went crying away? no offence.yeah.it's relle stupid! PC went to watch a movie which nic and me end up talking about how to smuggle me in to the da vinci code movie.i thought i had a good plan but she smart ass go say until i was speechless!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 7:04:00 PM

alrights.today was kinda horrible.let's see.i got back three papers.failed 1.PHYSICS.the one i shouldnt fail, i failed and those i should fail, i dinn.let's see.physics i got like 7/15 for mcq ( FAIL) and 16/35 for the open paper.end=23/50 ( FAIL-ED) and then BIO. mcq ( 10/15) and the open paper ( 16/35) and in the end, I PASSED! haha.saved by mcq.so i got 26.eh, good enough la.then history was shocking! i actually passed.AND i got it quite good.WOOT! ((: something tells me i shouldnt look forward to the rest.
hey Anne, im writing what i told you down.so just in case you tend to look the other way again, remember what i said.you'll be fine. (:
anne: after joining Legion, how much have i changed?
caroline: a lot! but it's partly due to her.hahhaha..but it's a change for the better.but no matter what, there's always this old you that remains and it is what makes u, you.
ANNE: i think its the HUMOUR?
caroline:yes.haaha.but that is what relle makes you, you! (:
ANNE: yayyy!!!!! (:
but i mean, from my pov, you are getting A LOT of pressure.and trust me, i will never understand how much that is.but one thing that's in ur character is that somehow, i know u'll make it.trust me.
ANNE:make it meaning?
you will get over the pressure and from there, this things that come your way will make you a stronger person.
maybe it's not so much of what God wants or not want you to be.but maybe it's because He wants to make you a stronger person.we will never understand God's ways but we shall just accept it right?yupps.
and there you go saying i made sense AGAIN! hahaha.like i have never before.which i dinn.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 7:37:00 PM

today it's just another outs with clare.haha.yes, for the second time in my life i was late..kinda.haha.had our fun,spent our money.let's see.100 bucks each was what we brought.and clare brought home 10 cents while i brought home one buck.WOOT! our money just disappears.haha.yes.so we made a plan.to spent 4 bucks everyday for both recess and lunch.for the next two weeks.trust me, it' s not going to work.so im planning to go hungry for every alternate days.yupps.baby dont pass me a single coin!must stop pampering me alrights. (: yeah.set.im going with that plan.and im going to wash my dad's car to get money? im trying my luck.CLARE! if he ask you out on his bday, im going to pang seh you.unless you can risk letting me slap him right in the face then okay lah.trust me.yupps.as usual,today's outing was WOOT! but some ppl just gotta spoil it eh.but i was smart.music in my ears let me not hear all the evil stuffs.haha.but Clare got so pissed.she was like " wah.who you think you are.fuck off bitches" and then i was like clueless.until i heard what happened from her then i was like " wtf!!! omg.dont let me see them or they will get it from me." they were so pai lah!!! please.and then suay suay for them, they relle bang into us later on.and Clare was like " wa lao!! fuck off la" heyhey.you should be glad i dinn tell them to get pimple creams okay! haha.but i din go further with that.or i'll be just like them.so no point.ah wells.just their luck eh.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 6:57:00 PM

today it's just another day.yes.caroline yap,being happy is a choice.being happy is a choice.and it's gonna be my choice.it gotta! but the only way is for me to ignore that this whole thing existed.i know.running away is not the solution yada yada yada.but seriously, avoiding DOES help.but if i do, then it'll be unfair to you.saturday's car jerk really brought me back to reality.was crossing the road and thinking about stuff with my friend.while crossing,i wanted to just walk without knowing there was a car dashing and when my friend suddenly stopped walking,then i saw the car just drift pass me.and while crossing halfway, this other car just horned to me right infront of my face.seriously, that jerk for a break really really made me think if all this was even worth it.
school sucks.well,kinda since im in total no mood to do anything.cannot concentrate in emaths NOR amaths.so nothing went into my head.then chi went walking around with bird and sa.chers very lax loh.then decided to go back.then diff cher and playing music.after that sa went to sent bird home.so she can sleep! (wth- lucky her) so just sat there in chi, talking to tiff and chel.the it was ss.not doing anything.then it was over.went to see clare, then together we went to rtc.wanted to see joseph.wa biange.whole lot of students who kena sent there.typical us,wait there and deicded to go eat la.(clare can really turn horny and THEN high!!) bought food,then no one helped us look after food.i couldnt be bothered so clare and me were like telling the juniors next to us to help us look after.we have hell no idea who they were.ah wells.then went back.wtf.joseph went for meeting.what crap.feel like slamming the door shut la.but something just stopped me from doing that.cca was boring.i wrote another song,trying to get the correct chords to go with it and another new song made.no inspiration liao then decided to go help tiffy finish her campaign for head girl.VOTE FOR TIFFANY! then in the end, gl and poh helped me too,before i went home.yupps.and tomorrow,thinking just go out la.lazy still drag myself out la.cannot stay at home already.
your thoughts will become words
your words will become actions
your actions will become your habit
your habit will become your character.
(got this from where? RTC.haha) so much for "responsible thinking class"! and you can find A LOT of contradictions!like one, it's okay to make a mistake when you try but it's a mistake not to try.isnt that like telling the students to try to violiate the school rules if not it's making a mistake? what rubbish.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 2:52:00 PM

things just are somewhat moving too fast since friday? what i thought i knew all along,all came back to me as questions after questions.and im stumbling over everyone of them.it just seems too much to handle for me lah. it's not the time to get advice on what to do and what not to do.cause somehow, everything seems wrong.this cannot.that also cannot.so im stuck,standing here.in the middle of nowhere.what seemed like one straight route suddenly changes to three, four routes to choose and i have no idea what im doing or what i should be doing cos whatever i do, someone or something has got to be sacrificed and just end up getting hurt.so tell me what to do.i hate this!
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 10:48:00 AM

yesterday was a really good start for a stress-free-temporary life.WOOT.it started off bad though.alrights.so clare and i planned this outing since..since..God knows when! like months ago.how desperate were we.yupps.i woke up earlier than should.823am.clare woke up at 8.20, went back to sleep, wake up 8.40am.10 minutes late.you know how long girls can take to get ready for a simple outing?haha.so she rushed like mad.so at 9.25am, she called me telling me her eyeliner cant work for shit that day.so when she wanted to rub it off, the solution went into her eyes and it was damn pain.kinda swollen.but after awhile okay.so she said she would be like 10-15 minutes late.i happy happy just continued watching tv.until she sms me say she left the house already.my turn for panic.rushed to bathe.came out.she smsed me saying she took the wrong train to FAR FAR AWAY.so i took my own sweet time to get ready.until she said she would be reaching there the time we set.so i rushed and quickly got my things.and TRUST ME TO LEAVE ALL MY ACCESSORIES AT HOME!! but i like late.fashionably late.and she also forgot all her accessories! this is how screwed we were after not going out for a month.-what a start!
after that everything went on fine.better than we expected.we took lots lots lots neo.and we were the noisest pair there.then we went walking around.and we just kept joking and laughing our heads off.trust me.you'll hope u wont there to see.hahaha.bought some stuff.then went to bugis street.cross the road was one of the worse i have ever crossed.we were at one end.and this 2 guys were talking stuff.sometimes you really wonder what goes on in their heads!all we could do was do silent laughter.until i noticed the middle road CROWD waiting to cross.i was like "omg.am i suppose to like suppose to squeeze in THERE? hell no.until clare told me worse.so no choice.went up to second level.i made a discovery.that place is small, yet you can walk round round round round it without even knowing.trust our sense of direction to bring us around.haha.and clare is a VERY ROUGH GIRL! oh man.girl, rmb what you did?!haha.say hail mary for the next whole month la.haha.then we went back into bugis.the people you MOST dont want to bang into, always to "happen" to appear there.3 grps.gosh. i am lucky i din see him clare.if not im gonna make you scream at him.friend's party eh.i wonder what they do.hahaha!!and then we had the WORSE NIGHTMARE.we decided to take a last neoprint for that day and we were bored.so we were there.done, got out,designing the thing when suddenly.two guy was LITERALLY breathing behind our backs at our shoulders.and we just ignore.and then suddenly they were saying in chi.happily clare dinn understand a shit they were talking.they were saying damn nice damn nice.and the design very nice.so we just thought they wanted to see and choice which machine.and then they were like..eh very photogenic leh the two of them.so pretty hor.wow.your design very nice leh.wow.the two of you all really so photogenic leh!! want to join model agency anot? really very photogenic leh.then that was when clare and i realised it wasnt what we thought.and we started to get grossed out.and we just ignored them.thought they went off.but then i realised.they were standing half a metre behind me.waiting at the wall.i was like " those two f**king idiots.just f**k off la! dont get me started! damn angry la" while clare was like freaking out cos she's going home alone.and i just had to say like what ? 3,4 times for them f**k off then they did.so i sent clare off all the way to the mrt train there.and i went back out.freaked out and told darl and he was like worried.even said if anything happened again, call and he'll be there asap.haha! thanks so much!!! but you can imagine.we got high heel shoes and two pairs of hands.i can do A LOT to make them hurt like shit! ahahhaha.thanks so much!!!! lessthanthree((:
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 12:58:00 PM

WOOT! exams are OVER! finally.goodbye nonscence, welcome temporary freedom! yayness! ((: in super good mood to day.although i was scolded by ms juliana today? and ALMOST sent to rtc.she totally blew up on theresse and me.the word chill almost came up from my mouth.i seriously wanted her to chill.ah wells.some people just get uptight over small little things at the wrong time.mt listerning was freaking easy!! like wth la. if i fail i can just kill myelf la!..no wait.i promised not to say that.(: bio, was heck liao.6 hrs of awakening hell from ytd is gone now.haha. just wana thank this someone someone! there for me every single minute throughout the stress exam period.this time, i totally stressed out and had like mood swings now and then.and every single way you gotta find a new way to pamper me.for this week, i have been a freaking terrible me! totally off , but you were still there.no doubt.THANK YOU!!-you know who you are! ((: and wanna thanks anne! i blew up on her like once and i totally screw myself up.but then again, she dinn leave me behind, she helped me through the totally rough times.i must say, i learnt a thing or two from you about life.thanks babe! yesterday at my house was like HOT! playing so much although we still had bio today! oh man.the things girls can do when their trying to relieve stress and have fun.i will send you the jail-bird pictures! haha.damn funny.urm..the the video...HAHA!
//: after all you've done for me.i dont know why im turning towards this angle but i have this really strong gut feeling, all of this shouldnt have started at all.it just suddenly feels wrong.but maybe im just too sensitive..yeah.sensitive. i'll live.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 11:20:00 AM

emaths paper today, FISH! everything we learnt in the first semester, came out in 3 qns!one minor qn and 2 major ones.the rest are all...wth! please please please let me pass.after the last 15 mins, i gave up on the qns and i stopped.just stopped there.until the cher told us to stop then i handed in.confirm lost 15 marks already.that is a confirm.and the rest still haven mark.it's out of what? 80! first paper out of 60! school damn kia su sia. alrights.on the bright side, i gtg study for 2 more papers.and friday im going out.enjoying every minute while it lasts.woot! cant wait. ((:
Monday, May 08, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 10:01:00 AM

heyy! history, i'll pass if i lucked out.if i dinn then hey, ive tried.ive made the best. ((: thanks for teaching me that.and making sure it sink into my head yeah.baby, thanks for everything.all the confidence you gave.and you believed in me when i dinn even believe in myself.i believe in God and YOU! im glad to say, im gonna pull through this NO DOUBT.im gonna pull through all of this nonsense.once again, thanks for picking me up everytime i sank deep down, making everyday a much better day than it was supposed to be.THANK YOU! -lessthanthree. (:
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 7:06:00 PM

oh man.today is just another lazy sat but today is exceptionally lazy.intended to study chpt one of hist.and pasting " you're suppose to be studying!!!" sign on the ceiling,the com screen,laptop , hp and the television DONT FREAKING WORK for me.they all landed in the trashbin.ah wells.it's just so me.so i did was studying treaty of versailles and league of nations which are minor SUB-topic under ONE chapter.trust me to study history eh. sure cannot one la.im going bowling later.see how i still enjoy life under stress of exams? haha. (:
Friday, May 05, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 10:12:00 AM

emaths paper one is a TOTAL BOOST FOR CONFIDENCE! woot! (((: i made 3 careless mistakes.so sue me.most imptly, it's better than 4. emaths paper 2 sure die one.unless the school suffer from serious mental illness than maybe it'll be easy.. O Lord, please help me to go through the mye.4 more exam days.im more than halfway through.and im so glad.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 9:49:00 AM

im freaking screwed.isit just me or is everyone feeling the same way? that they are all gonna flunk the mye like anything.i highly doubt im the only one.set already.val and me might as well fail the 3 sciences.last one is BIO! ha! i dont mind doing bad for it loh.then the cher kena sacked.i know it's mean but face it.WHO LEARNT ANYTHING? all i learn is that she contradicts herself like it's her job.ah wells.im giving myself 10 more minutes to moan about my chemistry paper.after 10 minutes, i'll let it pass. then result day is the day you'll see me go chaotic.let's wait and see. meanwhile, im gonna watch mtv to relex.
// :
I can't help you fix yourself
But at least I can say I tried!
I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life!
so stop telling or showing me your life is fucked up when you're not even trying, alrights.
Every word I say, I mean it
Every single day, I feel it
But sometimes when you talk
It's obvious you want to show it
So don't blow it
do what you do.i cannot be bothered anymore.
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road.Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go.So make the best of this test, and don't ask whyIt's not a question, but a lesson learned in time.It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right."
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 11:55:00 AM

exams are way way stress.haven had this much stress.i really needed to pass physics n ss so much, ytd i was studying like hell! all i did was lock myself in a rm and stared at my notes.40% of the stuff went into my head.which is a miracle.really.and then today.ss, haven freaking finish!! 1 hr.can write very little la.physics was alrights.except.the moment i handed up my paper, everything came back to me.all the formulas, the solving methods.i was literally banging my head of the table.but it's over."fail then fail la "was the attitude i had today.i cannot do physics for NUTS!.ss was like wt..write also might as well just not write.writing eng is like writing dog language.reading chi was like reading tamil.(*no offence).and then i realised i WAS screwed.exams are over on 11 may.today is the 3rd day.i got 9 days.so i have to go thru everything 3 times.i dont want to give up.i really dont.but yet, i cant really choose.can i?