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Friday, March 31, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 10:17:00 PM | 0 Noticed Me

today was like great.eng, had to do summary.so bird dinn want to highlight the passage part points.so she was asking me if must highlight..then lopez heard.so she said " well, you dont have to highlight it if you dont want to.i mean im quite against highlighting the.." then the both of us said " ok.then i highlight" at the same time.HA! u shld have seen lopez face.i think she couldnt be bothered anymore.she just shook her head and said it was such a outright defience.lol.that part was damn funny. triple science lessons days are boring! and we were super bored.so gave each other tricky qns and IQ qns to pass time.that was just a way to diss each other.alrights.this was HOW bored the both of us were.dinn have recess again.cos had to copy chem homework.then lunch had to do a lot of things.order pizza, go out of school to buy stuff and all.so in the end.many things went out of planning.and many things had to change..so yeah.in the end, the party was fine.went on quite good though.last min went to help mdm chen check class cleanliness.the $100 thingy.yeah.can so freakin skip cca time.why not! (:

Thursday, March 30, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 5:55:00 PM | 0 Noticed Me

HAIS! things are fcuking WORSE! so fine.i think i terribly made a MAJOR mistake by saying that line to you that day.and stupidly,the both of us took a whole 30 mins to freakishly prepare for you.all you did was turn your freaking back and walk away!fcuking many times i was about to break down infront of you.THE BOTH OF US.but every time i see you, the tears just hide away.alrights.so she made the first move.and you FREAKING DIN GIVE A SHIT TO HER! what is your fcuking problem.stop playing around with us.we're so tired of YOUR game.i dun play games fysi.what makes you think i'll play yours? so you think your life's all turn upside down, shattered into a million pieces?! HA! wait till you see the world for yourself.enlighten me on how you're gonna survive okay.
p.s all anne did was made the first move and she got HURT! thanks! thank you SO MUCH!
okay.that was the pissy thing today.other than that im fine! (: dont worry about me especially YOU alrights! and pls dont confront the person who brought my day down. <3

Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 7:02:00 PM | 0 Noticed Me

things are turning out better? hmm..at least for one part of it.i managed to forgive the both of them.i dont wanna start another fight.): but some things are just left unchange.why must the both of us always be the one to feel hurt just to make you realise how much u mean to the both of us? and now,she's making the first step for you again.im sorry i dinn.i figure if i dun give myself a break, i'll explode one fine day.so yeah.im hopin you're doing fine alrights.i just care.i hve hell no idea why i care so much for you.we just do.haiz. pls pls.God make her realise that one day.PLEASE! im taking anne's advice.i mean.what mrs stevenson said, according to anne.yeah.we'll make the first move since you dont seem to care.

Monday, March 27, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 7:03:00 PM | 0 Noticed Me

ugh.what is this world coming to?!
first things first.alrights.can you all just put in some effort in what we're trying to do? i mean ever thought why you guys dinn have to do anything at all? for that part? i mean.think about it okay.if we gave you all any freakish work.WILL YOU ALL DO?! no.so fine.we dinn give u guys all the shit to do.then just doing one favour and it's like "cannot la.i yada yada yada" look.i dun give shit alrights.just do ur lil freaking part also wanna cannot this cos.cannot that cos..FORGET LA! u guys just thought me one lesson.and why do lessons always gotta be thought the hard way? hmm..let me think...OH YAH.cos people like you guys exist! there.
okay.here's another thing.DONT GIVE ME EMPTY PROMISES! i dun appreciate one freaking bit of it okay.you PROMISED me one thing.then you go do another thing when i look away.it's just a blink of an eye.what happen to the part where you cared?! look.i dun see why should i care for you when u dun care about urself okay.im sorry.
I GIVE UP! i give up this whole game.i dun wanna play this FREAKISH game anymore.it's tiring okay.while you have it your fucking way, im trying to figure out things myself.if u dun wanna trust me,forget it okay.i give up.really.im trying to pressurise myself to figure you out.and there you go.i dont wanna wait anymore okay.I DONT WANNA WAIT FOR YOU TO CONTINUE THIS FRIENDSHIP.giving up was my last resort.and i've turn to that.IM SORRY.im not some kind of pillar u lean on when u want to.and leave alone when you got better people to confide to.i dun think drifting apart is a reason.it's an EXCUSE! i dun want you to tell me EVERYTHING.just tell me what's going on.i NEED TO KNOW.i live everyday of my freaking life.trying to figure out what is wrong.and how could i help.NOTHING.cos i dun know a shit.and you you you.tell me to leave her alone.FINE.i did it.this is what happens when say the wrong things.look.things doesnt turn out the way you always want to okay.so this time.everything just fell apart.everything just changes around you and i know u're trying to catch up.u're breathless.WHAT ABOUT US?! give ME a break for a change will you!give US a break!it's so hard just to see you by chance.cos everytime i see you.all the memories just flash back into my head.all the memories we had.and then we just walk pass each other.speechless.no eye contact.WHAT IS THIS?! sometimes i just wanna breakdown infront of you to tell you how much you can hurt the both of us.without solving it one day.it's like this burden on my shoulders every fucking day! you mean THIS much to me alrights.i dunno if this is a good thing or bad.trust is a big word.i know.it's hard to trust people.for people to gain your trust.and u're scared by trusting to wrong person you'll risk getting hurt.THEN WHAT ABOUT US?! when u're afraid of risking it, we're made to feel it by you.you think we wanna feel this way.this just that long friendship of ours that's doing this okay.everysingle day i tell myself.give you time..you'll figure it out one day.and when you do, u'll see picture..FACE IT okay.i dun wanna live in self-denial.i dont wanna end 7 years of friendship because of this.IT'S STUPID! and pls.this is not some kind of " i dont friend you anymore" rubbish.like pls that is so pri sch.i wanna SOLVE IT! but it's always US doing the job.trying so hard.and all you do is turn your back on us and walk away.i hate it okay.im sorry.i've done everything i could.all the both of us ever did was care for you.tell me what is wrong with that.SHOVE ME THE REASONS!go ahead shove it to my face.there! go find your reasons.i dun wanna make you do anything more.i just want you to go ask yourself what you're doing to us.
fucker: leave me alone.i seriously dun have the time and mood to entertain you.sorry!

Saturday, March 25, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 4:26:00 PM | 0 Noticed Me

me: why does it always rain at your there when im feeling down the previous day or sth?
you: haha...no idea..but i want it not to rain tomorrow at my house..
me: you wanna fly your kite right! lol
you: no..cause i dont want you to be feeling down today..cause if you are feeling down, tat means it would rain tomorrow.. tat why i dont want it to rain tomorrow..
omg.uber sweet!!! (: you're super sweet! <3
i love the pact we made. i dont wanna worry you no more. i'll do the pact we made. when either is sad, think of the other as a motivation and as a way to be happy. so i had to be happy for you. <3

Friday, March 24, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 10:57:00 PM | 0 Noticed Me

died-ed! ive got like 9 homework.and a freaking diamond figure to build.bloody shit! ugh. alrights.school is freaking pissing me OFF! blah here blah there.yada yada yada.that's all teachers freaking do. chi was like screwed up with cher. pls loh.bird got caught talking to huang chi like twice i think.then caught with me once.so we decided just talk softly.then i was looking at her ear which she claims she's scared it'll drop off. what a weird theory.anw.looking halfway, cher not happy come to us and tell us to stop talking.so we deicded to sleep.wa lao.also cannot! after school van, nic, bird and me gotta rush to bird's hse to get our chem project.bloody SMART sia.it was suppose to be send to nic and then to van.in the end, nothing was send la!! gosh.van's mum was kind to fetch us there and back.so van and me hurried to edit the thing.over time liao.but we just write there 2.27pm. and i put a smiley face. i think we kinda screw up there cos i saw lopez then i look out of the door.then kimbo look, laugh and turn her head out of the door then van look it, stare and started laughing.then we closed the door.lol.so much trouble to out a piece of work on mrs boo's table.
totally turn out to be a laughing class.everything feel funny! especially adeline, anne and me.pls.anne was doing her freaking countdown chart.except it's in mins now.then it went negative.then three of us kept starring at the clock can.super funny react! lol.we're doing that again.tomorrow.
we're put in a spot gal.dun u realise? i mean.we wanna help.just dun know how to.we wana talk to you.just dun wanna hurt you.we wanna change the way u think now.just dun noe where to start and how.we wanna be there for you.you just karnt seem to find the true us and accpet us for we used to be.we wanna tell you how angry we are to see like that.hurting yourself in everyway.just know it's not your fault things turn out like that.what used to be all good and in one piece, seem shuttered into a million pieces to you. now you wont see it.but in the future, you'll see.somehow.everything starts to fall into place.i hope you're fine.we all do.please think about it alrights? (:

Thursday, March 23, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 5:53:00 PM | 0 Noticed Me

last nite was feeling major depressed.dunno why.so just talk things out with darl.and now i feel so much better..everything seems to fit into place. it just falls nicely into place.and NOW i get the picture.ah wells.it's for me to know and for you you you to never find out.
today ah:seriously.lopez just pisses me off totally.come into class, first thing is to get us to change our positions like how we did before she was MC-ed.ugh.the teacher's table it is.then i was super cold.i have hell no idea.normally i dun get cold easily.then today dunno why.so bird was kinda hot and she took out her sweater and pass it to me.so i wore it.MAN! those who saw me wearing it,haha! it was super big i tell you.and i dun even have to wear a skirt anymore.its like 3cm up my skirt only.everybody thinks it's hot!! omg.something's wrong with me today.so in the end aft recess, i took it off.lessons were MAJOR boring pls!!!!! oh god.i we STILL haven goten our eng project done.wtf la.just gonna get busted my lopez again.gesh.why is this not a surprise?! amw.after school had eng oral.total flunk it pls.totally.was damn freaking sucky la..im only happy with my passage.pic and conversation SUCK! pls.i so dun do good eng speaking.let alone writing.no wonder my eng results sucks! alrights.im gonna attempt to do eng.going to...

Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 6:12:00 PM | 0 Noticed Me

alrights.today's a mix feeling kinda day. morning had amths test.easy easy.which is like yayness!! (: sa and bird, one of a kind when doing amths.typed " 5+square root 89 divide by 4" into the calculator.the calcutor is a relle dumb thing i must say. so amths is DONE! thank god.i dinn study a shit and i kinda really knew what we were tested like.let's just say 20 mins before the test. it's so me. so sue me.i dont study for maths at all.after that was MT.cher talking about oral.yadayadayada.then the both of us behind were bored.and bird started telling me jokes.RACIST jokes.ugh! major laughter.
no offences! and it's racist.super i know.but their just jokes alrights.
qn:what's the diff between indians and a bucket of shit?
ans: the bucket.
qn: what games does a indian play when crossing the road?
ans: now u see me, now u dun!
okay.this two are the best.there's one uber funny!!! but shall not say here.it's not that funny when u type it.alrights.we told chel and tiff.u shld have seen their faces!! hahaha. we got bored.then we made rings out of string.and put it on our thumbs.this is the result of freaking MAJOR boredom-ness of chinese periods! yes. after that had recess.sa's brillant idea to eat from vegetarian's stall.i could just puke everything i ate la.milo was the only thing i actually enjoyed! after that bird and jolena went for match.super early.had like physics.got test.holy ****! ( i shall not link a swear word with a holy word) i karnt apply pysics stuff for SHIT!! pur-lease. i look at the qns.die, die, die..oh easy!.no wait.die.oh..die.DIE.fine.im died! yes.im ONLY reactions.so saddening right.gosh.im sorry i have no common sense to apply formulas.im not gonna grow up applying it anw.oh wells..let's just see how low i drop.after that was like GY.then mrs yip was still going thru the physics stuff.and then! mr ng came in and said this " 3/7, urm, ur sexuality teacher is not here today.." and then we just stared at him.and the whole class laugh.hahaha! what a name to call her!! lol.so we went library.pls.our " SEXUALITY" cher was there! and then we were suppose to go find some books to read.i sat there and stoned.with sa.then she walk up to us and ask us to get some books.so sa and i reluctantly got up from the cosy couch.and walked to the books area.found a dark corner and just sat there.when people walked pass, it just scared them.haha.but we just sat there and talk.mich-fany wwas doing amaths!!! omg.what rubbish!! fanny doing amaths?!?!?!?! mich reading as usual.then went back for bio.FINALLY! one freaking experiment since the beginning of sch, i actually went to read and do it.and u believe? i actually DID it.and properly.haha! cos i guess i was playing ard with it.and then we were called to the front to look at sth mdm sim was doing.i just went to the back-est of the back of the crowd.and sat on the floor with sa.then chat.then sa saw this bottle of peanuts.itchy hands, went to take two!haha.then after that we decided to make experiment with it.so we squash the peanuts.i put " iodine, sodium carbonate, ethanol " and some other blue solutions.oh.plus benedic solutions.the thing was super gross.it turned green.and hten i threw it away.haha.sa was doing all the squashing.lol.aft that had history.I PASSED!omg.I PASSED!!!!!!! lol.super miracle pls! alrights.then had lunch.then had oral.waiting in av theatre.omg.had like one of the funniest times ever.we were bored.and so could convince mich-fany to stop doing hw.then sa and me play tic tac toe.and then some sticks game.and then hang man.and then we trying to rem pri sch games.so we did the future prediction thing that was super popular in pri schs.so listern to this : caroline yap sheong yin.you will marry a homeless man.who wil somehow find the money to buy you 100000 diamond rings.he will bring you to AFRICA for you honeymoon on a tricycle.you will wear **** and **** for your clothings.you will leave on 14th may and you will be very ***** as you will have 72 kids. wtf.haha.super lame.mich one was the FUNNIEST! michelle.you will steal ************* from caroline and marry him.he is so cheapo he got you 37 plastatine rings.and more proofs of this cheapo-ness is that you guys will remain in singapore for honeymoon and travel around in a scooter, wearing ****** stickers and *******.you will go on the 17th may and give birth to 187 kids( my clique no.! ) lol.alrights.the options for the stuff chosen were major funny! TIFFANY LAUGHED THE HARDEST! we were all laughing like no one's business.until i got sore throat.berfore oral!but sadly, karnt say the options here.a bit PG kinda thing.lol.chinese oral dinn go so bad.i think i did pretty well.eng oral 2ml.argh! fuck it la.

Monday, March 20, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 7:14:00 PM | 0 Noticed Me

first day term2.isnt so bad.yesterday was like such a weird day.seriously.i mean.i actually started sense to anne.like her being frustrated over homework and stress that she blew up at home.her mum just grab her and calm her down.i mean how sweet is that. i was telling anne that but she was SO not convinced so i started telling her LOGIC ( which i doubt i still have any in my mind) yeah.i was like asking would she rather her mum just stand there at the door saying " GROW UP!" i mean.just think about it.some mums actually dun care! i mean sometimes you think your parents ruin your life by giving u less freedom.but have any of you ever wonder that to them, u'll still that lil 8 year old child that they used to hug to bed everynight is not that lil child you are now.i mean you gotta give them time and chance to realised that u've grown.that's what i did to my mum.and it kinda worked. freedom doesnt just POP right infront of you when u turn to a teen or what.i mean it's given time and time again.all this logic talking was like making anne think.probably GOD used me to get to anne.and it succeeded! (: LOL! alrights.then i had some talk (3 way conference online) with urm yah.and we just wanted to sort things out with her.like what is happening to her and all.turns out just fine. im really glad just for the both of you know who and me.u'll give that lil try to change that way of urs.it really mean a lot.seriously.
first day of hell:
turn out kinda fine actually.my job is now a runner! omg.thank god so so much.that job is fab easy.super lax pls! so alrights.i have yet to get my bagde back cos i dun relle give a damn.i rather not have it back though. haha.turns out clare had.urm.4.2 which is like hell for her.so i have a pretty hard time to calm her down! i mean she had a swear word in pratically very sentence.that was HOW pissed she was.so it took some time. then had assembly.mrs low went to class.yada yada yada.about the some old stuff.did some class plan thingy.after that had Emaths.totally dinn do like one homework.MIRACLE.i normally dun do any.90% copy from bird or nic.can u believe? ugh.you should hear bird's hearing impact voice.UGH! just got me so frustrated. i ended up chasing her.went down with the usual.except sa did not come which is like..so often.ended up talkinga bout..SATURDAY! haha.so karnt wait la..soso karnt wait.in the end decided to all wear skirt.glenda so had to too.haha!! oh wells. after that had amths.u shld try saying expression as " ex-plat-tion" haha.bird got her words all tripping today.so i ended up laughing major AT her. haha. ohoh! bracket try " black-ket" haha! try.im serious.haha.after that had..MT? yeah.nothing much.someone tried to convinced me she was st8. so whatever!! im NOT convinced. (((: then had ss.kinda boring too.assembly.MAJOR BOREDOM. lunch.left early cos i wanted to settle some things with my other friend.and i dinn regret it one bit.i know you cried and all.but i felt it was good.i mean what anne and i did, i felt it was right.i hope that u'll really tell us what's happening.cos i dun wanna be some useless friend.some people who act like nothing is going on when there's something going on in ur best friend's life..although it was just that 7 mins. but it did the three of us some good really.we just wanna let you know we'll there for you.fine.so we karnt do anything to help.but it's just that we'll be there for you when u need us.i want to make that so clear to you.u understand me girl? i mean.from pri sch till now.we tell each other everything.everything that seemed so small now was like MAJOR everything to us then.now we turn back and laugh at how silly we were.i want that again. it's not something you can handle by yourself.AND SELF-MANIPULATING YOURSELF IS WRONG! you do know how it hurts us as ur friends?! i want you to think about it alrights.and cheer ups.really.we're there and u know it. (:

Friday, March 17, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 8:35:00 PM | 0 Noticed Me

TIRING! let me catch my breathe first.i cant even type properly.alrights alrights.rewind to all the way from morning.yes.chat with anne and talk to her online.talking about homework.and let's just say.i still got eng project,ss project,bio project,chi hw, ss notebook, maths hw.(which i WILL do in time)yeah that's all.see it's not so bad is it?! (JUST LET ME LIVE IN SELF-DENIAL!! thanks you!) and it's two more days before i have to decide whether i wanna step down.i cant believe just one thing like that can make me think so hard...it's really much better to be live in self-denial, until one day i cant take it anymore and i'll blow my top like no one's business.at that point, im no longer "the girl next door" anymore. i think you'll see that change.one day.and it's gonna come soon..okay.back to where i was.so anne was suppose to pass me her ss notebook, bio instructions and ss instructions.GUESS WAD?? anne forgot ALL THREE FREAKING THINGS!!! my mouth just drop wide open when she told me.it was rude so i just closed it back.and there i was typical me " anne.smart!! super la.you ah.." (yada yada yada) seriously.but i dunno why, somehow i guess kept my cool.although im like suppose to be kinda "OMG!" like some typical freak teen who wants to be " the girl next door" getting her work done.(it's just not my thing) i guess homework somehow got to the bottom of my to-do list.. im seriously gonna do it by tomorrow.cos i wanna keep sunday free.spending the last day of hols happy.for once.not thinking of anything.hmm..anw reached PS kinda late.got tix.then just roam around..and decided to kinda stick to ps.so ate pasta..we have like 2 hrs.and im like convincing anne we wun have enought time to shop for so many things.yet she was convincing me we had.first we went to this holy book shop cos anne was looking for something.then kinda freaky.we kept saying the same thing and the same way.the first part i was telling anne i wanna buy lots of things.yada yada then it came to shoes.and she was like agreeing she wanna buy shoe too..and then we said " yah..i want those type like.." exact same time.same tone.then we just look at each other and laugh.after awhile, we saw this two girls,putting their hands on each other shoulders and it was super hard for them to walk.and we were like laughing at them and then we said "sttuuuppidd!!" same time same tone.after that now and then, we kept saying the same thing.so we decided we should not talk so much.called shar.hey girl, dont you worry yeah.wadever that is happening, it'll be fine if u believe it will.dont think too much about it.maybe u're not ready to tell us now, but u know we'll be there while you need us yeah!! take cares alrights!! after that we just continue walking around.seriously, we went to more than 5 shops we swear to come back.cos we wanted lots of things and had to get lots of things.i mean we pratically stop at every shop! and then i had a good plan.well, anne started it and then i continue it and then both of us made it a perfect idea.it's for someone's birthday! and it's gonna be so good.so so good.it's super original..cant wait.super karnt wait.although her birthday is like long later.well, kinda.anne!! must rem it yeah.cos i feel it's such a perfect plan for her.(((: alrights alrights.got a few stuff.look at lots of CLOTHES!! that's when my mum comes into the pic.one fine day.im bringing her along to slash her cards!! haha.then we went times.cos anne was kinda looking for motivation books.hmm.dunno how to describe.but it's kinda cool.so i kinda got along with it...then after that went to cinema and got popcorn and drinks.then we went in..alrights.people, if u want something funny and not scary, go watch dorm.seriously it's like 75% comedy.25% scary.and pls.if u are a rabbit lover, hell dun watch it.they gotta kill like 20 over rabits to film that freaking scene! and if u think u'll be scared by a ghost, no.u'll be scared by a freaking rabbit.i duno why.but that kinda just scared the whole audience and anne scream.haha. but really it's 75% comedy...and then the show ended like 6.35.which leaves 25mins to get 5 things from all different places.WOW! it's relle shopaholic at work.so we ran.we seriously ran.although it's like so uncool to run.at that time, we just dinn give a shit.so we ran.and everything was limited 5 mins.then we had to find a freaking ladies.all super crowded.cos anne was urgent.see, anne, i said it.so we ran from 7th floor, to 3rd floor, then to first floor, then to second floor,back to third floor, and back to the first one. by then, we were exhausted.i know i got hell no stamina but it's like really super rush!
hey people.those who think it's wrong to date a best friend's ex, pur-lease, give me break.cut me some slack man. this is like the 21st century.people have got to MOVE ON! oh wells, what makes you people think that will happen anyway? doesnt " good friends" appear in your dictionary? go figure
so dinn have appetite tonite.but darl wanted me to eat something.like just eat something.so i found myself a small plate of noodles and just force it down.now i feel like puking bad.but it's alrights. (: i knew i had to eat something for darl. i just had too.
ANTI-91322 AND HIS SAX-ophone!! im making my stand.and keeping to it.

Thursday, March 16, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 2:17:00 PM | 0 Noticed Me

so i've moved here. (: anne kinda suggested it.so credits goes to her.darl support to it.so credits goes to him too.anyway.im just gonna copy and paste today's post cos im super lazy!
my TWO cents worth of thoughts:
why do people spend so much time of their life arguing and getting mad with people that they forgot to live? people who plan their work dont work their freaking plan! plans are plans.they dont work for you.the more you laugh.the more you see funny things.when someone told you most chinese have problems with the "R" you may find yourself saying " i rive in this brock of frats" dont zero in on faults.you'll become faulty.oh yah.and if you are robbed, stop and THANK GOD for you have what others need so desperately, they have to rob! " to waste time is to gain time.to teach less is to teach more." so why do teachers TEACH SO MUCH?! go figure.some people like to cry over spilt milk.FORGET IT! wipe it up and GO MAKE A NEW CUP for pity sake.
this kinda got me thinking.ive been thinking a lot lately.and kinda too much! seriously.