Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 1:08:00 PM

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 10:40:00 AM

I think this is rather hilarious:
Lady drivers dont get into accidents
But they cause accidents.
btw sis, i think you're pretty dumb. why did you tell me your new url here? he can just link here and there and poof! you'll see him reading your new blog. gessh. And, you owe me big time(:
Monday, May 21, 2007
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 6:52:00 PM

i'll play a game with you.
On my birthday, i'll be going to town some time during that day. You go there with your friends and just walk around or do whatever you guys do. If we bump into each other there, i'll give the both of us a chance to be friends again. See you there if fate is on your side.
Sigh, someone tell me i'm doing something right because something tells me i'm going to regret this. Whatever it is, i promised so i'll keep it. If we dont meet, kindly, LEAVE ME ALONE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE! gosh! I ususally dont say this but now i do, YOU'RE DESPERATE! i have never seen someone so desperate like YOU!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 4:38:00 PM

oh gosh. I dont think today can get any worse. Really.
This morning, I retie my hair and that damn hair tying thingy fell dont know god knows where! i spent a good 5 minutes just searching for it in the car. Then when i found it, my father's car jerked and my PHONE fell under the driver seat. A $476 5-day-old phone drop you tell me heart pain a not. Then went to classroom for assembly. and since this morning, Y.O have been messaging me. fucking unreasonable jerk!! Dont even understand two words "get lost". Sorry but if you keep on giving me empty promises, jumping into conclusions about me, and doubting me, this is as much as you're going to ever get from me. And THEN they said go festival court. so went all the way down again. check class then went to look for a empty toilet so clare and i can check our phone. Clare stood up for me to Y.O and now he's putting the blame on me. Still threaten want to go police station leh. WA LAO! you give this kind of retarded story to the police i think their first is to stare at you and then... laugh. but couldnt find a damn empty toilet. After that, went to class for chinese. My headache started again. And i got like on and off stomach ache. After that, went to hall to check papers. Oh my. This is like my first time crying over result. And i hate myself for that.
Let's see. Chinese prelims result. Of all the times to not do well. I didnt do well NOW. Just managed to get an A2. Sigh. Then came amaths. I almost cried when i counted and i got A2. But then rachel pointed out to me i must have calculated wrongly. And yea. She was right. So i got an A1. The top of the level had 83 and i had 82. At least that's a good sigh. Motivates me to strive harder for amaths. Then it was recess. I bought milo, sat at the back of the canteen with clare. Then, again we saw the vp and some VIP people who seem to find it amusing looking around our school or sth. Apparently, i dont think we're allowed to sit there although it's duty-time for us. That didnt really bother me except the part where they were really walking SSOOOO SLOWWLLYYY. Recess over went up. Then emaths. 12 effing careless mistake marks i totally let it commit suicide! but still managed an A1. yes. i cried because i couldnt believe i was so careless. But kinda stopped when mitch gave me a hug. MITCH GAVE A HUG! ugh. what a once in a life time experience(haha). After that we got our chem. Oh my god. Then i totally just burst out. I was like super bumped over the grade. B3! Honestly, it's like the most depressing thing EVER. After that was physics. And i got a B4. I guess i should just shut up because i never intended to pass in the first place. And biology, C6. dont really care. when it came to combine humanities, i totally just couldnt cry anymore. C6. Social studies was SUCH a ridiculous jump. From A1 to C6! what the hell! gave up lah. val got scared because she insist i was holding back my emotions which was kinda true. Just that.. i dont know. I just really thank her for being there. I mean, she herself didnt score well but she still comfort me like it was her duty or something. And i said comforting words to linette. Which later i asked myself why didnt i tell that to myself. It's so easy to tell it to everyone but yourself. All i knew inside was i just kept scolding myself for the lousy grades. And i realised. So many people face pressure from their mum or dad. and I asked myself who was giving me pressure. The answer i found was myself. My own self. You know if one day i die, i'll probably be the murderer and the victim. Maybe mitch is right. I'm trying to be a perfectionist without knowing it. I guess i disappointed no one but myself. And i think it's the biggest disappointment ever. Maybe i just expected too much from myself.
more hope, more disappointments.
ahh. screw this. really. Now, god knows why my other ear is infected. And hopefully it doesnt affect me for my chinese "O" level. It's just so very important.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 2:51:00 PM

A $220 retail therapy on 150507 sure brought up my mood. Hahas. Im going to have another round on my birthday. Then it's about time i get down to serious studying. Mmhmm. I'm looking forward to my sweet sixteen. My birthday outfit costs $147. ARRk. most of what i bought on the 15th. As much as i have always dreamed of going back to kindergarten and start all over again, i cant wait for 310507. So many events. chi O finish. Outing for May babies, pepper lunch-ers, K-box with Val and im dragging mitch. HA! Meanwhile, it's still let's-talk-chinese-in-class. And playing bridge with dawn, theresse, nic, junie, linette. Gosh. junie can play! hhas. Alrights. I must admit this is the most slack 4/7 ever. It's no wonder why the teachers are effing worried. I mean. So much for discussing social studies. Tiffany helping yiggie cut her hair. We were playing cards. Sylvie was best lah.
cher: what are you doing?
Sylvie: urm.. social studies
cher: chinese?
HA! I still havent got over that. In the end, the relief teacher gave some maths question around to try and ask us to help her solve. Then she asked me because bird said i was smart. wah lao. so purposely one lah! In the end, I won 3 games in bridge. With linette. hahas. Nic, better luck next time(:
checking of papers tomorrow and we're still getting our everyday mother tongue drills. shessh.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 9:00:00 AM

Gosh. Just finished watching " devil beside you" Oh my lord. I can just totally cry watching it all over again. hahas.
yupp. marking day today. out with clare(:
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 2:07:00 PM

MID YEAR IS O-VER. like ugh. finally or something.
My birthday's coming. And, i was THIS close to knowing what anne was doing for me! ahhas. shucks. i was so so close. that word was already in her mouth. just didnt come out!UGH! so annoying! Okay. I need to enjoy life now since i have one. Then i'll turn back into someone without a life. Or as so claimed by val! Cant wait to go out with clare tomorrow! like finally. Then i'll go for shopping spree with her some time. hopefully soon(: You know, i always have a fear that my money will decompose. Hahas. What a weird thought.
By the way, my mum is thinking of sending me over to sydney so that i can coach my sis and bro amaths. and bio too. yes, BIOLOGY. my gosh. her question has already became a statement when my aunt said " ..yah. i was just thining about that too" Gosh. They leave me here in singapore to rot through my sec4 life, skipping my sweet sixteen and graduation. and im still going over there to teach them? where's the justice??? But i guess that's besides the point, i'll do anything to meet them in person again(:
new conclusion: my mum is insane BECAUSE OF MY SIS.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 2:47:00 PM

Second science paper screwed.
One more to go. Hopefully it doesnt screw up THAT BAD.
In short, it's going to be screwed up. just HOW bad. Like i said. It's not about passing or failing anymore. It's how bad i fail.
My mum said the weirdest thing to me yesterday. Or at least it's..kinda weird. Just when i was ranting to her about how screwed up my physics, she was telling me how i should never last min study. and i was getting my ears ready for another minute of nagging and then intense nagging. But come to think of it, my mum has never nagged when it comes to study. Most of the nagging is because i have my trash all over the house. So yah. and then she said this " Never last min study. Weeks before your "o"s you should be very ready for your exam by then. And the week before "O"s, just enjoy yourself. watch tv, do whatever you want." Lucky i was not drinking water.My mouth just dropped so gosh unglamly. and then i screamed at how she's insane. and she was " why?it's true. I dont wan you to study that week. dont stress yourself up."
conclusion:SHE'S INSANE.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 1:18:00 PM

Physics paper today, today screw physics paper.
I almost died doing it.
I think i will cry doing biology.
Friday, May 04, 2007
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 2:24:00 PM

EMATHS WAS SO EASY Im sure i made a lot of mistakes. Yes. CARELESS mistakes. Oh wells.
This is really random but i just feel like saying this:
"The results of MYE will tell how retarded exams can be."
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 10:15:00 AM

Social Studies paper was SO easy i laughed when i saw the questions.
But then again, that's one thing. Now, i wouldnt be surprise to fail. As usual couldnt exactly finish. And i forgot my points. And if you think that's not bad enough, i forgot to weigh. Or as least weigh properly. Ah wells.
" what's done is done. Mummy always say that as long as you did your best, it's good enough "
Ahh. Mum's words
sometimes really do motivate me a lot.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 1:14:00 PM

One more day down! (:
Had a killer english paper. So dead.
Seriously. no surprise if i fail.
Chinese paper was so easy. Im scared now because everyone says it's so tough. I think it's tough. Or at least it ought to be.. it's Prelims for crying out loud. ARRKK. it's over already. Thank Lord.