Monday, October 30, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 4:59:00 PM

So much for " IM going to finish as much homework as possible today."
guess what?
I havent touched a single bit :(
Meanwhile, im still wondering why im stuffing myself with food. Exam's far over. Oh well.
Oh man. One A1, $100. You do the calculations!Im enjoying this :)
Im not that broke after all! :):):)
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 6:57:00 PM

AH! I simply love the SUN(: Ive missed it for at least a month! Finally, i feel the sun again(: I absolutely thank God for that!
p.s guess what? I spotted a watermelon tree in my house garden. wth. Dont ask me how it started cause I already see the fruit.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 12:55:00 PM

Is this a dream?If it isPlease don't wake me from this highI've become comfortably numbUntil you opened up my eyesTo what it's likeWhen everything's rightI can't believeYou found meWhen no one else was lookin'How did you know just where I would be?Yeah, you broke throughAll of my confusionThe ups and the downsAnd you still didn't leaveI guess that you saw what nobody could seeYou found meSo, here we areThat's pretty farWhen you think of where we've beenNo going backI'm fading outAll that has faded me withinYou're by my sideNow everything's fineI can't believeYou found meWhen no one else was lookin'How did you know just where I would be?Yeah, you broke throughAll of my confusionThe ups and the downsAnd you still didn't leave
Thank you,the both of you. hee!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 5:53:00 PM

FINALLY. Secondary three life is OVER :(
I enjoyed this year oh so much.
If only I had my secondary 3 life recorded on video.
cos' Im so gonna miss it most for the whole of my secondary school life.
Something tells me, I should have treasure this year a lot more.
See the things I missed.
Because I got too caught up with the past and the future.
I forgot to enjoy the journey.
The last day of my secondary school life was spent having pray service,playing cards, getting late for leaps updating,naggings,surveys, report book. Not a very good way of ending the year. Oh well.
Went out with anne. suppose to go marina square. We landed up in ps because my dear friend forgot to bring money. Guess what. We ended up having lunch with her dad. I felt rather weird.But one thing i realise. He gives Anne the same expressions i would give her when she comments on some stuff :) And i thought i was the only one. hahas. Marina square plans were cancelled since she had to go home early to tutor her lil bro.HOW SWEET :) Although it's like chaos on the other side. hahas. After which, we just walked ard. Then sat at starbucks. Oh my lord. I think we didnt stop laughing for 5 minutes at all. People walking pass, amuses us. really bad. hahas. First there was this guy in starbucks, wearing "happytreefriends" top, cross legged, drinking from...shadnt say. Second, this office person just stones next to me.Well, kinda. I have that dude's imitation by anne. yes. funny shit. While the both of us were laughing at tons of other stuff, 2 guys walk pass and one stared at us while walking. Called his friend to turn and look back where we were sitting. Then we figured to stop laughing. The very moment they turn back to look infront, the both of us burst out laughing and that caused them to turn back to look again. Dont ask. I didnt really understand what was happening. Impressively, they didnt knock the glass of cafe cartel when they turn back and still walking or i think we will just laugh straight in their face.hee :) I have study dates! with anne(: we will attempt to STUDY. OH. and ive finally finish counting down from 230 over days to the year end hols until 0 days. Im rather amazed.
YOU: you have no idea how much i cant stand the way you do things. So you think because of my group of seniors, I changed my attitude? Ever thought it was just you. I hate it when you say something about two of my seniors i use to hang ard with. They didnt influence me, i didnt change them. you just wasnt looking.well, maybe you were looking but you just didnt notice. respect have to be earned! And you earned it but im starting to doubt whether i was right to give that decent respect.So you think people change in a one second " boom!" because of the friends they are with, think again. I dont wanna doubt you nor your ability. Dont give me that chance to, cause i truely dont want to.
Just by looking at the sky, the look of nature. I found it such a blessing to be here. I wanted that feeling to last. But it was just a one mintue come and go feeling. Honestly, something got to me then. Until then, Im going to enjoy this life :)
I want my DREAM bag! ARGH! It's another dream fly away. bye bye. Ive been groaning about this for weeks :(
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 6:45:00 PM

Oh my lord. I cant believe yesterday is over. That's fast. I guess I will just be looking forward to tomorrow then. Wells, it's still one of my other hot babes(: No sweat. I just adore going out with them :)
Got dressed. Met nic and linette at the mrt. They made me WALK all the way there and then the moment i got there, it wasnt for 5 minutes that they wanna walk back. Nevertheless, waited for val. Then headed to macs for breakfast. Met tiffany later. And then came becky. She looks like the bung of the grp.Hahahas :) I think if no one brought a hp or a watch, we'll be sitting there till evening.Like we realised we havent got roses at 11.18am or sth. So tiffany and I went ard looking for a shop selling roses. We got desperate, and tried NTUC. We just wanted to keep our hopes high for crying out loud! Besides nic who insisted they sell flowers THERE. jessh. hahas. Apparently, we gave up. So we headed to bedok mrt. I had a really bad feeling when i got up.And call it fate or coincidence, we met the two guys up there. Dont ask me why, but I had a damn loud reaction. Yet, none of them realise. LOL. So we went up the train and stop at tanah merah together. I felt like we were stalking THEM. gosh. hahas. Then, the best thing Ive heard that day. They found roses! (: One less thing to fret about. God knows what they did meanwhile but by the time they reached tanah merah, it was 12.18pm! we planed to meet at 11.45am! lol. Lucky van was late. So fine. they got there. Came together with the two guys and then OUR PLAN WAS A SUCCESS. well, i'll call it a success for a fact that this type of stuff only happens in movies and fairy tales. Apparently, we proved it happens in reality too. Too bad we dinn take a Van got teased all the way throughout. I guess only tiffany knows the whole truth and the whole story :) OH WELL. WE headed to marina square. Noisy grp. Really noisy. One conclusion : A grp of like 9 people cannot go out together. lol. we keep getting separated! And to different grps somemore. Well, at least the grp i stayed in help to keep my money in my wallet. Hahas. The best part was we just kept to one aim.
GET TIFFANY A DECENT PAIR OF SHOES. yes. long story. Dont wanna elaborate. In the end, val, nic, tiff and me went to watch " The prestige" The show was good. Weird but true, i spent most of the time reading the chinese subtitles cause i just couldnt get use to the accent and speed at which they were talking. It's like no tomorrow. It ALMOST make me feel that life in spore in slow-paced. hahas. In short, show was awesome, SITTING PLACE WAS WRROOONNNNG.
p.s * no more couple seats anymore. hahahs! shadnt really elaborate :)
One more day.woot! (: Im still fretting over what to wear tomorrow. But not bad planning, since im going out tomorrow. Might as well wear going out clothes to school. Oh please, this caused a WHOLE lot of
bitch fits fightings in class. Isnt all the nice to write it down. So it's for us to know and maybe for you to never find out.Nevertheless, card games just kill the time (:
The school is a piece of shit. Ive got 78 hours of practice. Hey, look at my life. Im loving it.
BIG TIME. oh gosh. spare me the agony.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 8:52:00 PM

Ive got WAY better than i ever expected.. well, for everything except chinese, chem and bio. Hey. I counted my L1R5 and it aint all that depressing! hee! Another girl happier tonight. Im making sure tomorrow will just get better. IT'S TUESDAY! The day we plan and discussed about till that extent have arrived. This girl's just gonna love tomorrow (:
p.s nic tells GROSS stuff. Or at least HE should stop polluting YOUR mind. I shall thank him in advance. He almost made me fell off the table! LOL.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 8:50:00 PM

CAROLINE HATED 201006 :(For some reason or'll know why.Im all into the mood of not wanting to do anything again :(Clare, im utterly broke.Honestly.I currently hate my life. And somthing tells me Monday wont make it any better.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 1:38:00 PM

Alrights. today was way better than yesterday. had chinese drill today again. Apparently, tiffy and i are owning chel :) we're smart people. We anyhow chose an ans, mark it and the other two copy the correct ans. thats how we finish 8 listerning compre within 15 minutes. hee! After which was some sports thingy. So we didnt do any. Felt rather lazy. I was even too lazy to go get myself a drink. Had anne to do it for me. Hang ard canteen from 8.45 to 9.45 with anne, bird, shar and shaf. funny shit. Maxine was hilarious. shadnt elaborate :) Then we had recess till 10.30. We played truth or dare. At first shar and me were just outright too scared to play it since mavis was in it and she can come up with WEIRD STUFF for you to do. It turned out just a dare game to make it more climax-cy. In the end, shar and me joined in too. first dare was bird and mavis's doings. They had to go to the field and lick the grass for 5 seconds? Either that or the van's tyres. lol. so grass it was. took a pic ((: Then later she and shar went 'lucky' so they were supposed to catwalk on the stage in the canteen where many people were there. In the end, they backed out and just pose at alternate tables. The THIRD dare, oh my lord. it was shar and me. at first they planned to make us dance and sing infront of the people in the canteen, while trying to learn some dance from the HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL, they happily went to discuss with each other on a better one. And it was THAT DARE. I think i rather public humiliation 10 times than THAT. effing gross! ugh!! But hey, for the fun of it, shar and me did it in the end. And bird, shaf, anne were laughing at us all throughout the way to the av threatre! Shar and me have the ulitmate payback plan. You guys just wait and see (: Anyways, we watched Akeenah and the Bee. It's a fab show. shaf and shar cried at some parts! hahhas. I think that guy was rather hot for his age. lol. they were all so lovely and what innocent selfless love (:
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 6:30:00 PM

School was such a biatch today. We had chinese drill in the mornings. EVERY MORNING . one hour. chinese. chinese. and more chinese. And when i thought it couldnt get any worse. It just did. Now we have this effing chinese website so the teachers can track the homework we did and it brings about the chinese marks next year. dammit. I need to get out of this prison-converted-life! Like ONE MORE YEAR. pfft. So we did a chinese 'test' like thing or wasnt so much of a test since we copied each other's ans and randomly choose a nice number that we think might just be our lucky chance. i've learnt my lesson. To always think before you choose your answer throw a dice, maybe i'll get luckier. Chel and tiffy was funny shit. They make chinese pass faster, so i shouldnt rant anymore. After which, we had PAPER FOLDING CRANES. oh my lord! so they want each class to pop up 1000 cranes, hopefully by an hour. ah-huh. That's rather impossible if you're being realistic here. And it's for a good course. we exchange cranes for rice to supply poor people with them. still wondering why cranes and not something like aeroplane. I mean, if you're thinking cause cranes symbolises better something something, how about the fact that... aeroplanes fly further? ugh. And so the total 840,000 cranes will be going for adoption. YES. 1000 cranes for 10kg. who's the one not helping now? But we spent our time planning for an ultimate something for someone. cant wait :) Then, we got back our phyiscs paper. nic and i screamed! B3. gosh it looks nice. But then again, it's a very easy paper which means, it aint a good grade.I hope and A2 for CA2 will help pull me up. well, seeing that the grade our class got ranged from A1-F9, it's frightening. I heard i had A1 for emaths. sigh, got me excited for a moment. I thought was some other sub :( im afraid of history. If nic gets a c5, im died. Literally.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 10:13:00 PM

alrights.i actually have a half updated entry about my past week? but i dont really have to mood to futher update it. Oh wells. i guess i can still live with myself just fine :) i'll just yada on today. Let's see.. today was like offically waste of time. First, our oh-so-"im miss perfect"-form teacher left her class. Hence, we were seperated into the other classes. FCUK YOU man. SHESSH! Spoil the whole mood. So much for telling us we should really be united as a class, and be enthu about this and that. Well well well, what nice perfect planning you did. I supposed we should worship you when we're alive. Alrights. Enough with the sarcastic words before i become a bimbotic biatch :( So ive got seperated from nic and all others. I sat with Theresse(: oh man. Apparantly, you can have just as much fun with her anywhere. So at least we got to gather with nic in the boat ride. And cable car with SA. HAIYO! destroyed by someone else in anyways, later we went to eat. FOOD was good. 7 bucks.hahs. im claiming this from my mother :) After that was just a waste of time. went back to school and hang ard till 3.30pm for cca. FINALLY im getting back my alto guitar. It's so nice(: And im playing back my old piece. Fingers turning purple but at least i still love it.
heyys you*,
sorry for the last minute cancelling.Like of all the times to have the low mood, i gotta have it this week. Nevertheless, we still got 2 months to waste our time away :) Ive made you waited THAT long without realising it myself :( Sigh. I guess i honestly aint got any time-management. Besides, you've got school tomorrow. Dont wanna wear you out with my nonsense YET. hahas!
Much loves,