Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Carolinechantel Yap posted at 6:30:00 PM

School was such a biatch today. We had chinese drill in the mornings. EVERY MORNING . one hour. chinese. chinese. and more chinese. And when i thought it couldnt get any worse. It just did. Now we have this effing chinese website so the teachers can track the homework we did and it brings about the chinese marks next year. dammit. I need to get out of this prison-converted-life! Like ONE MORE YEAR. pfft. So we did a chinese 'test' like thing or wasnt so much of a test since we copied each other's ans and randomly choose a nice number that we think might just be our lucky chance. i've learnt my lesson. To always think before you choose your answer throw a dice, maybe i'll get luckier. Chel and tiffy was funny shit. They make chinese pass faster, so i shouldnt rant anymore. After which, we had PAPER FOLDING CRANES. oh my lord! so they want each class to pop up 1000 cranes, hopefully by an hour. ah-huh. That's rather impossible if you're being realistic here. And it's for a good course. we exchange cranes for rice to supply poor people with them. still wondering why cranes and not something like aeroplane. I mean, if you're thinking cause cranes symbolises better something something, how about the fact that... aeroplanes fly further? ugh. And so the total 840,000 cranes will be going for adoption. YES. 1000 cranes for 10kg. who's the one not helping now? But we spent our time planning for an ultimate something for someone. cant wait :) Then, we got back our phyiscs paper. nic and i screamed! B3. gosh it looks nice. But then again, it's a very easy paper which means, it aint a good grade.I hope and A2 for CA2 will help pull me up. well, seeing that the grade our class got ranged from A1-F9, it's frightening. I heard i had A1 for emaths. sigh, got me excited for a moment. I thought was some other sub :( im afraid of history. If nic gets a c5, im died. Literally.